Saturday, June 16, 2012

Being indifferent means being dispassionate about the things that happen around you. Learn to be indifferent about what people say and do, but instead enjoy the show which is put on by other people without being so involved in their show. It's mind over matter, if it doesn't matter so much anymore.


  1. Repeat the following steps to yourself. Ponder each and understand them in a peaceful atmosphere:
  2. Develop your strength. Silently laugh (smile), sigh with contentment for the show around you.
  3. Try most importantly to think: "It's okay to have different opinions: it's just what they think."
    • If they are wise or confused: it's like mind over matter.
    • If you want to be indifferent try meditating to be serene and strong.
  4. Thank God, if you pray:
    • Give thanks for everything that you have however temporary it may be.
    • Give thanks for everything that you don't have however permanent that may be. This way you're accepting your life and yourself.
  5. Dismiss your ego so that people CAN disregard you.
    • Ego hurts inside you, like pus in an abscessed infection.
    • Now let people disregard you. Tell yourself it's fine.
    • Remember you could have unwittingly done the same thing to many people.
  6. Demand more, and then less feels like a loss; so stop asking so much from life.
    • Stop demanding joy, because pain will come along.
    • Stop demanding attention, loneliness will come at times.
    • Stop demanding friends, separations come along.
  7. Remember your life is what you deserve from what you do.
    • Every pain you get is caused by one of your needs. It is fair.
    • Everybody is just a frail human. Everybody must go through this show.
    • Forgive everybody because they do what seems most correct at that moment.
  8. Let life be your entertainment like a show or a game.
    • Allow it to develop, and just enjoy whatever happens -- relax!
    • Enjoy more than the actors: be a spectator for yourself not for others.
  9. Repudiate your rude passions, befriend compassion and empathy.
  10. Think you're good, and you'll find ten who are better. Do your best, and accept the rest!
  11. Do good to the ones who harm you or intend to harm you. Anger can only trouble your life.
  12. Allow anger to arise only at the weak or the supposedly weak, and so consider none inferior.
  13. Remember life is meant to be enjoyed, in the right way.
  14. Stop valuing your effort let hard work come for free.
  15. Let good works seem in vain, let sacrifices be alright.
  16. Love yourself, and love others. Don't compare your self with them, because every single one is special in this earth.


  • For being strong meditate everyday for at least 15 minutes and increase this time. You will notice the difference within 2-3 days as you start meditating earnestly.
  • When one reaches the root of desire and understands completely the root of it, it becomes easier to remove that root.
  • Removing whims and desires, one becomes peaceful.
  • Becoming peaceful and accepting your life, one becomes indifferent.
  • Accept everything that comes your way, everything, everything, everything.
  • That which allures has infinite strings attached. Maybe even more!
  • The past is gone, the future unknown; remembering is a shame, worry is just pain; to live well in the instant is sane.
  • It doesn't matter what others think. Some have no other work but their thoughts. Stop caring about their thoughts.
  • W.H.F - What is, However it is, is Fine accept it all and work with it.
  • Peace exists only in the mind! For complete peace, just peace: nothing is needed!


  • These thoughts only work if you truly believe in them.
  • In any case, the introspection is the key to accepting things.