Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Act Indifferent Around Your Ex? Learn How to Be Completely Unaffected by Almost Anything

After the breakup you find it difficult to face your ex as feelings of guilt, shame, and anger cloud your mind. In this confusion you end up acting in such a way that it gives them the pleasure of knowing that they are affecting you. Here is how you can effectively deal with your ex and not look pathetic.

Stay away for a while
If you can't handle the breakup and feel that you have still come to terms with the past events then the best thing for you to do is get away for a while till such time that you have a firm handle on your emotions. This break from your surroundings will refresh your mind and put things in the right perspective.

Don't try to hide your feelings
Get back to your surroundings and boldly move around your ex. If you come face to face with your ex don't try to hide your feelings. Keeping it bottled will worsen the situation and it is not such a bad idea to let out steam and vent your feelings. However, make sure you don't create a big scene. Releasing pressure will ensure you get back to your normal self soon.

Focus on something else
Another way you can try forgetting about the breakup is by focusing on something else so that your mind is distracted. Take up something interesting that you wanted to do but delayed all this time. It could be anything from a sporting activity to singing or dancing or learning a new musical instrument. Do what your heart desires.

Increase your friend circle
Consciously increase your friend circle so that you don't have to bank on common friends that will remind you of your past relationship and your ex. Meet new guys and girls that are dashing and know how to have fun.

Look within for happiness
Happiness is a state of mind and if you want to be happy you have to look and find it within yourself. External factors cannot afford you permanent happiness and peace of mind. Things that make you look good and feel confident will make you happy and therefore focus on your health, academics or your profession.

Forgive and forget
The best strategy is to forgive and forget your ex. This way you can put the past firmly behind you so that it does not affect your present. Once you show a big heart and forgive your ex he/she will no longer affect you and you will be comfortable around him/her.

Move on
Start taking baby steps to move on in life. Start by mixing with members of the opposite sex and begin to have fun once again. You will soon forget about your past and start looking at the future.


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